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Our Industry Experience

Industry Experience -specific solution to help small and micro buisness to grow together

Media and News Agency

Skill Development and Training

Services We Provide

ERP Solution

The ERP software developer team at SK Technology is a skilled group focused on creating seamless business solutions. Leveraging their technical expertise and in-depth industry knowledge. . .

Web Development

SK Technology Software Company’s web development team is a dedicated group of experts proficient in cutting-edge technologies. 

App Development

The app development team at SK Technology Software Company is a dynamic and innovative group, blending technical expertise with creative flair.

Data Analysis and Management

S K Technology excels in web development, crafting dynamic online experiences that captivate audiences. With expertise in frontend and backend technologies, we create seamless, responsive websites that reflect your brand’s essence. Our team’s creativity and technical prowess converge to deliver user-centric designs and robust functionality. Elevate your online presence with S K Technology’s innovative web development solutions.

Product Design

S K Technology excels in web development, crafting dynamic online experiences that captivate audiences. With expertise in frontend and backend technologies, we create seamless, responsive websites that reflect your brand’s essence. Our team’s creativity and technical prowess converge to deliver user-centric designs and robust functionality. Elevate your online presence with S K Technology’s innovative web development solutions.

Digital Marketing

The Digital Marketing team at SK Technology is a dynamic group focused on boosting online presence and engagement.

Projects We did

Asia News: Unveiling Bengal’s Premier Media Channel

Asia News, a prominent media channel, is set to launch on the 15th of July, serving as the premier source of news and information in the vibrant region of Bengal. With a dedicated focus on delivering comprehensive coverage of local, regional, and international news, Asia News aims to be the go-to platform for staying informed and engaged.

As an influential media channel, Asia News will provide a diverse range of content, including breaking news, in-depth reports, feature stories, and insightful analysis across various sectors such as politics, business, culture, sports, and more. With a team of experienced journalists and reporters, the channel is committed to delivering accurate, reliable, and unbiased news to its viewers.

PWO stands for : Path Way Overseas
Incorporated in Japan in the name of “PWO Venture Co., Ltd., ” with an important stake holder being  “Lic Corporation Co., Ltd.” established in the year 1986 in Japan. Lic is a staffing company in Tokyo holding a Hakken  and licensed job placement holder  in Japan. It facilitates manpower in various sectors, like Hospitality, Agriculture, Healthcare, Construction etc

The Agrasain Boys’ School is the brain child of Sri Basudeo Tikmany, who in 1987, visualised, motivated Agarwal Community, successfully planned and executed and steered the prestigious Agrasain Balika Siksha Sadan, a modern multipurpose girls’ Higher Secondary School affiliated to Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations, New Delhi, to its grand success since its inception as a founder chairman.The school is committed to nurturing little boys and see them blossom into individuals full of love, nobility and compassion. ‘Agrasain Boys’ School’ will be dedicated towards imparting holistic education in a congenial environment at affordable cos

Ecoline: The Future of Bus Travel Booking

Ecoline is a cutting-edge software revolutionizing bus transport. With its user-friendly interface, passengers can effortlessly book seats, choose amenities, and manage their travel plans. Real-time inventory management optimizes seat availability, while personalized features and secure payments enhance the passenger experience. Ecowheels promotes sustainable travel, reduces emissions, and streamlines operations for bus operators. Experience the convenience and efficiency of Ecowheels, shaping the future of bus travel.

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Asia News Logo [2]
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Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit. Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus.
Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit. Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus.

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